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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Little "Face to Face" with the Lord

I stopped by and had a little talk with God today.  This afternoon was my first shift celebrating a Holy Hour in the perpetual adoration chapel, at our church.  The concept of perpetual adoration is for someone to always be in the presence of the exposed Blessed Sacrament.  Part of the reason this is special is because the Blessed Sacrament (a large Eucharist in a special, gold holder called a monstrance) is usually kept in a hidden area called the tabernacle.  As Catholics, we believe the Blessed Sacrament to be the true presence of Christ: body, blood, mind and spirit.  Okay, enough with Theology 101 -- you can Google "Holy Hour" to learn more.  The point is that today was my first day, and it was...awesome!

The main reason I'm mentioning this is because of what I found upon entering the little chapel.  There were four statues there (other than the crucifix).  There was a statue of Mary, one of Joseph, one of Jesus carrying a Roman soldier...and one more.  And that one really caught me off guard.

On the left-hand side of the alter, stood a statue of The Infant of Prague.  Now, ordinarily, that fact wouldn't seem very unusual.  And it wouldn't be terribly noteworthy, if it weren't for the fact that The Infant of Prague has shown up three times now, at times when I was beginning a new chapter in my life.

I first met The Infant when a dear friend of mine gave me a medal with his likeness, as a gift, when I had my tracheostomy tube removed -- thus beginning a new life, free from that burden. 

The second time he showed up was the day I first rolled into a church for Mass, after an absence of many years.  And I was wearing the medal my friend had given me, at that very moment.  I took his presence there, on that alter, as a sign that God was welcoming me back to the Church.

And now today, as I experience the power of Eucharistic adoration for the first time.  I think the little squirt is following me around!

Seriously though, all these "coincidences" have to make you wonder.  It's kind of nice really.  It makes me feel like I'm on the right track.  Just hoping this old engine has enough steam to get over Pine Mountain.  ;-)

I tried to get The Lord to give me a hint as to what was to become of my quest for the priesthood; but alas* he wasn't talking.  We had a nice long talk about it though, so I think we're on the same page.

Keep me in your will remain in mine.

[Oh, one more thing.  If you like, you can subscribe to this blog feed.  Not that what I have to say is all that noteworthy, but at at least it will save you from having to check back for new posts.  The tab to do this is down on the right side of this page, below the archive.  Just a suggestion.]

*I like to work "alas" into everything I write.  It makes me sound like I studied Shakespeare -- other than in the 8th grade, where I put forth a memorable reading in the part of Tybalt.  Alas...they killed me.

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